Welcome My name is Mylea Janis Teresa and I am 16 years old.
I am home schooled and some of my pastimes are
Praying, Reading, Writing, Sewing... and blogging of course!
How Mylea Janis Teresa came to be
I started this blog shortly after I was confirmed back in June 2011 I chose the name for it is three of my names wrapped into one
Mylea is my first name
Janis is my middle name
Teresa is my Confirmation name
I write on this blog about various things
My Religion, I LOVE being Catholic.
St. Teresa of Avila
Lessons I learn
and other little thing I feel compelled to write about.
Tag Line
At the end of every blog post I have my Tag Line or my signature
"Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying God Bless, Be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!"
Many of my readers will quote that around me it's what I'm known for by some.