Now you might be wondering what this blog post is about. The title may sound odd or funny, but you might learn a lesson. For me, it is a lesson and it does count for school. No, I did not do research and yes, I am doing my homework. Mostly, I am praying about it now.
A friend asked me this question today, “Do dogs go to Heaven?” Now this friend was laughing when he said it and I know he was joking with me, but it helped me learn a lesson. It made me laugh a little, smile a lot, and will help me pray more often.
What did I learn?
Although an adult asked this question, its probably asked more often by children, who can sometimes shock and amaze with their spiritual insights. I wonder how they do it? Maybe its because they have a special connection with God and the angels.
Speaking of angels (though they are neither man nor woman, I refer to my Guardian Angel as a girl), I came home from church last Sunday night and found a piece of paper on my bedside table. Now just like the question, it made me laugh and smile a lot. This is what it said…
My Pledge: I promise to always tell you what you want to hear. To always, understand you. I am not here to be your conscience. I am here to be your special friend who you can tell your feelings. I will never yell. You can name me. I hope my smile will cheer you up when you are sad. I shall always be there no matter what. ________________________________
That night I was down but this cheered me up and I remembered I had a Guardian Angel who watches over me. I need to acknowledge her more often, to ask her for help. The next morning I investigated to find out who wrote this. It was my little sister Veronica; she is just a child and amazes me. I hear her at night saying the guardian angel prayer. Oh, how close she must be to that Guardian Angel of hers. My Guardian Angel deserves to be acknowledged. She sure has been keeping me in line the past few years. She has to!
Looking at the Sunset
The sunset is so beautiful to look at. I watched the sun go down this past Tuesday night and looked back to when I was little. I used to wonder if the angels spent all day painting the sunset for people like me to admire.
That slip of paper means so much to me that I will frame it and hang it on my wall. First, I need to write my Guardian Angel’s name in the blank on the paper, which I will announce in a future blog post.
Tonight I will kneel down, pray to my Guardian Angel, and thank her for the good job she has done watching over me! In addition, I will ask my Guardian Angel that question, “Do dogs go to Heaven?” Who knows, she just might give me the answer!
Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying, God bless, be joyful and do not forget to pray!
P.S. Thank You Professor Veronica for teaching me something. I bet you did not know you had a degree in teaching your big sister something useful! And thanks Fr. Richard for helping me connect the dots!