and no, let me explain why.
In today’s
modern day, society many young people live with a desire of having to
feel loved and yes that is true we all need to feel loved. However,
how is it that certain temptations will lead us into sin to give us
the drive to feel certain sensations that lead to losing a precious
gift god has given us? Nevertheless, how does this connect with
Romance Novels and Movies? When a person reads or watches, something
romantic they start to have this feeling witch is unusual and gives
them a drive to sin?
For example when I was
reading the first and last romance novel I will ever get my hands on
I felt those feelings. I have never felt that way before, but my
conscience told me to step away I did not listen. I finished the book
and talked about it with my mother she made the comment that she did
not want me reading such books. Later on I thought about it and
prayed about it and knew that it was wrong for me to deal with such a
book it could have given me ideas that would have made me sin and
from there I would have felt horrible for making such a move.
Even though I am
taught to save the gift, God has given me for marriage. Many young
people do not try to protect and preserve such a gem. Again, with
movies I watched a series over the years called “the Love Saga” I
have to laugh to just keep from crying for regretting watching such a
series. There was not any kind of love scenes in it but there was
that in every movie someone was falling in love. Again, I could have
gotten such an idea myself now there is nothing wrong with falling in
Love with someone, but when we bring it too far and sin before
marriage we lose that gift we could have given to our future spouse.
Another series I have watched actually has a few suggestive scenes in
it but I have chosen to stop watching it to protect my soul and gift.
Girls Auditory, Boys Visual.
I think we have all
heard that line before to get to a man it takes their eyes to do such
a thing Pornography a trap for many men is like Romance novels for
girls they cause them to sin and breaks the relationship with God and
the ones we love. For girls whenever they hear a man says such things
that trigger them to sin. In the same way breaking the relationship
with God and loved ones. We need to protect our eyes and ears from
temptations. Now I do not know of any men who read romance novels
they are probably out there, but women do look at pornography if you
ask me from personal experience you need to stop it before it gets to
far and addicting.
An Alternative for Catholics
If you are one of
the types who want to read romance novels then here is something you
can read that I do. Look at the saints who are men and women they
fell in love with God some the stories of people dedicating their
lives to Christ in and around their jobs and families. It is much
better for your soul and it actually gives you a deeper love for Our
the final answer is No I do not read literature like romance novels
that are secular but Yes, I read stories of the saint’s great love
for Christ. No, I do not watch certain romance movies But Yes the
only ones I watch are ones of married couples showing appropriate
love and affection in front of the camera without letting you into
their bedroom.
Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying God bless, be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!
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