OK, my story begins back in February 2011. I was speaking to a woman who in my opinion had the mindset of a new age woman. She informed me that I was not Socialized enough but that day she was talking about social networks (i.e. Face book Twitter and My Space) she harped on me about it for an hour. It seemed like that alright, maybe thirty minutes it was long to say the least. She asked me if I did face book (that one was her favorite) no, I said. Do your parents have one? Yes, I said Daddy only checks his every two months and Mommy only for birthdays. Why do you not have one? Oh, that is right your parents are sheltering you to much. I bit my lip and gripped the chair hard.
You can talk to all your friends you would like that. I replied I do not have any I felt that at the time I only had my Family and two or three people I considered mentors, but now that is not true. I mentioned security protocol. At the age of twelve, I got involved with someone, who said they were fifteen it started to get fishy once they identified my picture from the newspaper and they were out of state so it was obvious they looked me up. My mother informed me that I was not to get involved with any kind of chatting groups for as long as I was under her roof.
She said in return well the security is very strict no one could ever slip by and harm you. I was still gripping the chair. For the remainder of our talk she kept raving about it and said that I should get a face book account.
I ignored her request but a month later when she was part of my past. I thought I would just get one it should not be so bad. The first day I added five friends my parents and three cousins I will admit that I was able to look at photos of my cousins I hadn’t seen in years and kept up to date with them. I found half of my cousins and most of my neighbors. The most friends I ever got was 50-55 but there was so many to the point that I could barely keep up to date with them. I didn’t write much on my page to begin with I felt I was someone who was boring. The only time people would flock to my page is whenever I had a prayer intention, which was good, but that only happened twice. Another thing was most of my friends were adults. I have no problem with that, but I found their pages more engaging. The people who were teenagers like me all they wrote about was things that were lame in my opinion they posted pictures that were red flags to me like taking pictures with manikins or of their belly. In addition, the grammar and spelling were so poor my little 8-year-old sister could put them to shame. I was glued to the computer more than usual and all I talked about was other people who said this and that on their page. It was an addiction for me. I could tell my mother did not like it she did not say anything though. I only had a face book account from late may to early to mid august and during that time I was not feeling good I was going through some major changes in my life for the better. Most of all my spiritual life was suffering greatly I didn’t pray very much and I made the decision to stop cold turkey for the better mostly for my prayer life which I felt needed to be a top priority for me.
So in mid august I chose to delete my face book account immediately I felt like I had climbed out of a dark hole, which had me swallowed up. I have learned to listen to no advice that Louise gave me. My neighbor that afternoon had asked me why I was not on face book I just said well isn’t that funny with a laugh and never mentioned it again she brought it up one more time I didn’t say anything she has not brought it up since then. I am not the average teenager it shows on the outside for sure.
Whenever I met someone in the past especially teens they would ask first thing do you have a face book, twitter or my space. I used to say no and when I did have one yes, but now whenever someone will ask me that I will say in reply. No I have joined a different network it would make yours look like nothing and if they ask, what is it? I will just say it’s called “The Pray Way” by then they will probably be laughing in reply I will say I’ve got millions of friends called the saints and it’s ran by this COOL guy named God and you know what my prayer life won’t suffer with this network it actually thrives. I can almost guarantee I will be the one laughing not them.
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