Monday, August 22, 2011

Saint Philomena is a saint of Purity and Modesty something I stand for here is the Link 
to learn more about her

Here is the Link for the St.Philomena store with items like Relics or Blessed Oils

Until Next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa Saying God Bless,Be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Family Pastime:Reading

                              Here is a picture of Veronica,she taught herself to read a the age of 4

One of the things my family does to pass the time is read we all have different preferences for reading. Here is what kind of books we like to read I have categorized all different types of books we like to read by person 

Daddy: Sales,Engineering,Faith 

Mommy:True story,History,Faith

Margery:Indians,Polar Bears,Faith 

Veronica:Dogs,Horses,any thing she can get her hands on

And me last of all here is what I like to read:True Storys,Psychiatric Drugs,History,Fashion,Faith

As you noticed We all Love to read about our amazing Catholic Faith 

I can't explain why my family likes to read what they do but I can of course 

Why do I read what I do? 

True storys: they are about people just like you and me

Psychiatric Drugs: From what I have experienced first hand I want to learn how they effect people and let people be aware of how there is alternatives.

History: Learn about our past and how history repeats itself

Fashion: I find it fascinating how society dresses (in the Past and Present) also how to Improve dress to Church Standards.

Faith:I just can't get enough of it! because I love it!

Learning through Reading  

Here at Holy Family Academy we use books to learn in a wide variety of Subjects
After all a lot of the Wise and Intelligent ancestors of ours just read that's what their education consisted of.

Reading: A Family Legacy 

My Grandmother read every single book in the public library as she grown up and to this day she still reads
My Great Uncle Gary Read the Encyclopedia.


I'm still in the thinking stage but I am considering writing my Autobiography

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying God Bless,be Joyful and don't forget to Pray! 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Miss Negative Mylea speaks on "Be Joyful"

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa Saying God bless,be joyful and don't forget to Pray!

This is what I use at the end of every blog post it is my way of finishing it off.
But lately I have been wondering what it means to be joyful well do I really know?

Saint Teresa of Avila

Saint Teresa of Avila was a Joyful Lady her heart was full of Joy.
She lived not for herself but lived to serve the Lord of Love in all.
I want to do that.

My Journal

On April 25th 2011 Dr.Evans and his wife Vanessa gave me a Journal it is red with the words Hope imprinted on it. The word Hope means something to me I don't know what though yet. Here is what
they wrote in it....


I Hope you can use this journal to help you through life, I'm sure you will fill it quickly.
I want you to know how appreciated you are not only to God ,but your mom and dad and us.
You are so intelligent and I am so impressed with you. I want you to focus on good thoughts 
and how great of a person you will grow up to be. God has a plan for you! Stand up and be strong in who you are and know you are Loved! 

In Hope and Strength 

Dr.Evans and Vanessa   

I haven't Filled it yet why because I haven't had much good thoughts lately but I am trying to improve that with Teresa's Help 

Dr. Evans and Vanessa are so positive they are so happy and Joyful too

Dr.Evans is someone who cares for his patients,he will take the time to talk with me personally and has helped me through the ups and downs. his favorite line whenever we walk out of his office is...
"Keep Smiling and drink Lot's of Water!"

Vanessa is caring and speaks to me also,she is so sweet and bubbly.

The next day I wrote the first Entry in my journal. Here it is....


April 26th 2011 Tuesday

I have named you journal or diary a name that means something
.........JOY for in this little book I will only write Joyful things yesterday
Dr.Evans told me one thing which I like he said.... "When I wake up in
the morning I either choose from two things .... Happy or Sad and when
I do that I can either good or bad about myself whatever I choose will
effect me and everyone else" Thank You Dr.Evans today I choose to be
happy and think good about myself. 

Dear Sister Teresa help me to be Joyful today.

Until next time this Mylea Saying God bless ,be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!

I have only written two more entrys in my Journal since April 26th 2011. But who can change that me of course so guess what I will try to write in it more often but there comes Miss Negative Mylea coming out of me again so let me try again I will write in my Journal more often there now let's see how that hold's true.

Why don't you smile?
Well here is a few reasons why

1. Sometimes I don't smile because things are bothering me which happens a lot lately sad to say.

2. When I do smile people notice and then I am embarressed because they notic that I don't smile.  

3. Sometimes I fake it and smile then people find out later I was faking it why do I fake it well I don't want them to worry about me but they do that any way there goes Miss Negative Mylea again Stop it ! I need to band you no wonder I have been so negative lately you have been rooming with me again well that's gonna change.

4.I don't smile out in public esspecially at men why because I don't want any thing to happen again. 

When do I smile ?

Here are a few reasons when I do smile 

1.When something makes me smile I notice that is happening more often good thing that happens.  

2.When I make someone's day something I need to do more often.

3.When I am having a good day.

4.When I acomplish a goal of mine.

I will find more ways to smile more often with Teresa's help

Miss Negative Mylea 

Some of you might be wondering who Miss Negative Mylea is Dr.Evans told me to name my negativity and tell it to go away so guess what Miss Negative Mylea you have been disrupting my life for the past 3 and a 1/2 years and you know what your overstayed lease is up and it's time you start packing. Now that's an order hop to it! 

Miss Joyful Mylea   

She is someone who plans on staying permantly and she's coming soon. very soon.

What does smiling have to do with being Joyful ?

I fell that it is one of the many ways of showing Joyfullness again something I need to do 

How do tears show Joy ?  

For me when I cry I have mixed feelings

1.I'm letting things out since I am sad

2.I feel they are tears of Joy because when I do cry I am
glad I am getting it out which needs to hapen more often.

Thank You 
I would like to thank the people who I mentioned here in this blog post for impacting my life.
Your in my prayers.

So what does it mean to "Be Joyful" I haven't found out yet but in good time I will.  
Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa Saying God bless, Be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Let Us See Only You Lord Prayer

My father found this prayer and gave it to me

Let Us See Only You Lord Prayer

R Let us see only you Lord

When tempted to look only at your faults, R

When troubled by the specter of doubt and defeat, R

When we can't see beyond the frustrations of the momment, R

When the horizon seems distant and dark,

When we can't see the point of pursuing what's good, R 

When complaining and cynicism invade our space, R

When we can't face our problems, R

When the world looks bleak, R

When others measure and judge us, R

When beset by depression, R

When friendship is far from us, R

When overshadowed by darkness, R

When we fail to use our freedom, R

When it's hard to forgive, R

When things don't make sense, R

When we think we can't change, R

When confronted by suffering, R

When stress get's us down, R

When it's hard to go on, R

When blinded by sin, R

When the hardness of life overwhelms us, R

When hope begins to fade, R  

Our Father.......

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa
Saying God bless, be joyful and don't forget to pray!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Visiting with Claire

Today we went to The nursing home to visit Claire,a sweet Lady.
It is inportant in our family to visit with the elderly and let them know people care.
For me I enjoy this a lot.

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa 
Saying God bless,be joyful and don't forget to Pray!  

Monday, August 8, 2011

Saint Teresa of Avila Speaks to Beginners on Prayer

A Few weeks ago I was sitting in the chapel and was reading  "The Interior Castle"  By Teresa of course and since I consider myself a Beginner in Prayer I found this passage and find it benefits me

Here it is........

''All that the beginner in prayer has to do -and you must not forget this for this is very important- resolute and prepare himself with all possible diligence to bring his will into conformity with the will of God. ''

Thank You Teresa  

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa
Saying God bless,be joyful and don't forget to pray.