Monday, October 31, 2011

Reflecting On October

October has been some month indeed. it started out in a way rocky and came to the middle with a awesome birthday and has been ending in a good way.

It also came to be a month of great strides. One's that were good, conquering fears and just feeling plain me, something I can get used to. I am forming deeper relationships with people near and dear to me. Overcame some conflicts and changed my view of men for the better. I was actually caught laughing for no apparent reason. No wonder they call laughter a Joyful noise. Sometimes I just can't contain myself with such good things. 

 I wouldn't say that I am a new and resurrected Mylea but just maybe coming out of my tall lair and letting everyone know that I have a budding personality that was just tucked away for years. I think my parents might just fear me becoming a social butterfly. Just wait I 'm not done yet the best is yet to come!

Until Next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying God bless, be Joyful and don't forget to Pray! 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Loreto House is Under Attack!

 This just came in My dad is a director at Loret House in Denton and got this e-mail
Click Here to find out why Loreto House is Under Attack

Until Next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying God bless, be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!

Picture from the Past: Mylea in the Newspaper

I was looking through some old pictures and came across this a photo of me, when I was twelve years old.

The Story behind the Picture
My parents were very involved in the pro-life ministry at this time. We just happened to have gone to an anti abortion rally. As you can tell in the picture, I am wearing a band-aid on my chin. I had burned myself with a pepperoni slice from pizza the week before. Of all times to get my picture in the newspaper, it was with a band-aid. Of course that is usually is how it happeneds. I am also wearing glasses I wore glasses off and on from the age of eight to thirteen.

Still Strong in my Beliefs

That was 4 years ago but I think I am much stronger in my beliefs now than ever.

Until next time this is Mylea Janis teresa saying God bless, be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Rediscovering a Lost Gift

Around two weeks ago, I rediscovered a gift that was lost. One I was given before I was born, I just have not used it much in the past few years. What is that gift? The gift of a “Smile” one I use quite often now.

What does a Smile Contain?

I read in a book not to long ago that it said a smile is a powerful encouragement to anyone. It can lift weary spirits and warm broken Hearts it also says “you’re important; You’re special” and I think we can all agree that it’s more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35)  in this case a “Smile.”

Someone helped me find that Smile.

One person helped me find that gift again. They live in my house; I have known them for most of my life. That one person is my little sister Margery she is smiling most of the time if not she is engulfed in something. She always meets someone with a smile. In addition, she helped me rediscover mine.

Margery, know that your big sister Mylea loves you.
She thanks you for helping her find the gift of a smile again.
Keep smiling, I know I will!

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying, God bless, be Joyful, and don’t forget to Pray!  

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Oh, how I Worry!

Yes, I am guilty of worrying too much, something that happens too often, like this past Saturday. I went into a state of having a panic attack, I haven't had one like that in months! Now I will admit that I am getting better. I was looking through some inspirational quotes of mine, which I compiled during some spiritual reading. Since I am working on trying to not worry so much, I found this...

In all matters we must stop looking for reasons why they happened; if our understanding cannot grasp them, why should we try to perplex it? It suffices us to know that he who brings this to pass is all-powerful, and as it is God who does it and we, however hard we work, are quite incapable of achieving it, let us not try to become capable of understanding it either - St. Teresa of Avila's "Interior Castle"

It might just help, Thanks St.Teresa!

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying God bless, Be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Veronica's 9th Birthday

I apologize for this being a day late enjoy!

Sunday was Veronica’s 9th birthday and to believe she is almost a decade old.

A little over a week before her birthday, our neighbor Karen told us about the Frank Buck Zoo in Gainesville. Veronica had said she wanted to go to Lake Ray Roberts and have a picnic something she has wanted to do for years. She had even mentioned she would rather go to the zoo instead of the lake so we decided to surprise her and go to the zoo. Both of my parents had felt that Veronica would be disappointed if we did not go to the Lake so they decided to tell her about the zoo, she was excited indeed. I personally think she would have done fine if she were surprised in a moments notice.

Therefore, she woke up on her birthday, ate French toast for breakfast opened up her presents, and got ready to go. Mommy was not feeling good so she stayed home. When we arrived, we bought our way in and started our way through. It was a nice little zoo with a variety of animals. 
If veronica had to choose, an animal she enjoyed looking at it would be the prairie dogs her response to them “they were so adorable.” We finished up and ate a little snack. They had a train you could ride; Veronica took her picture with the conductor.


We went through the exhibits again. This time Veronica was able to feed the goats.

Towards the end, something funny happened that I could not pass up to tell. We were looking at some dears, when daddy was looking at them and started to run back and forth making noises. We asked him why he was doing that he said he wanted the dear to run along side with him. Moreover, what was the dear doing? Looking at daddy probably thinking he was crazy.

We went back to the beginning of the trail and stood in front of this statue to get our picture taken as a group. Daddy was trying to find a timer on the camera so he could be in the picture too. When all of a sudden a woman with hair colored hot pink offered to take the picture for us. No, she was not part of one of the exhibits to look at, but she did take a nice picture of the four of us.

After the zoo, we went and got dinner at Golden Chick and veronica got an ice cream cone. We came home and told mommy about our day. As I was finishing this blog post, I asked veronica how she would like to wrap up her birthday. She told me playing with her presents would be nice.

Happy 9th Birthday Veronica! Your Big sister Mylea loves you.

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying God bless, Be Joyful and don’t forget to Pray!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

EMM Priest Dinner

I will usually go up to the church “ICC” on Saturdays and Sundays. I will sit outside and get some fresh air, pray in the chapel and might even find a few of my friends to visit with for a bit. On this Saturday, which happened to be yesterday there, was a meal called “EMM Priest Dinner” don’t ask me what it stands for I don’t even remember I’ve slept since I was told. The people who headed it up were nice enough to invite us. They started to play music as we were settling in. After switching tables and chairs several times or you could call it “musical chairs and tables” I even made a little joke of saying I didn’t know they would have games lined up for the night. We were finally able to eat. As we were eating dinner daddy mentioned he felt this was a good “daddy-daughter date” In my opinion far from some date, which is not my cup of tea. He kept asking if the chicken was too spicy since I did not eat enough to his satisfactory. The food was good and they certainly packed it on the plate so you did not leave hungry. The other thing he did that was annoying is he kept checking his phone for the scores on some game, which was a waste of time since his team lost. After wards, they had dancing I have posted below three videos

Overall, it was a nice evening and I considered it NO “daddy-daughter date” I personally find it embarrassing for such a title. However, I tell you because I feel confident enough to do so.

Veronica turns 9

Today is Veronica's Birthday, more to come on that in tommorows's blog post!

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying God Bless, Be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!  

Saturday, October 22, 2011

St. Teresa's Bookmark

This week has been a week of great change in various forms I am overcoming many fears and like I said before looking at things through different lenses. I used to think my pain and suffering would never end but then this quote came to mind...

"Pain is never Permanent" -St Teresa of Avila 

Which brought another quote to mind
Let nothing disturb you: 
nothing frighten you. 
All things are passing
God never changes. 
obtains all things.
is manfing to him
who possesses God. 
God alone suffices. 

-St. Teresa's Bookmark

I love Quotes! 
Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying God bless, Be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Saint Teresa of Avila Prayer Card

 My Sponsor Laurie and I were talking one day and she mentioned this little Prayer Card she found and thought of me When we went out to dinner for Confirmation and I opened up my present one of the items in that box was this prayer Card this is what it read...

St.Teresa of Avila 

Give me the courage to persevere in my spiritual practices even when others think I am foolish and wasting my time. Help me, Teresa, to find refuge in prayer and devotions, especially when I feel out of step with the fads and trends that others think are so important. May I find inspiration in your life and keep my sense of humor no matter what.

I read that card and feel it speak to me. I pray it often and just like the prayer says it brings a smile and a burst of laughter to me. Then I remember what a great sense of humor St.Teresa had and boy it should rub off on me! 

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying God bless, Be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

New Look!

As you can see I have a new look to the blog let me know what you think. But let me remind you I'm not done yet more to come!

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying God bless, be Joyful and don't forget to Pray! 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

SAINTS SPEAK: St. Teresa of Avila (Holy Repentance)

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying God bless, be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Do I Read Romance Novels and Watch Romance Movies?

Yes and no, let me explain why.

In today’s modern day, society many young people live with a desire of having to feel loved and yes that is true we all need to feel loved. However, how is it that certain temptations will lead us into sin to give us the drive to feel certain sensations that lead to losing a precious gift god has given us? Nevertheless, how does this connect with Romance Novels and Movies? When a person reads or watches, something romantic they start to have this feeling witch is unusual and gives them a drive to sin?

For example when I was reading the first and last romance novel I will ever get my hands on I felt those feelings. I have never felt that way before, but my conscience told me to step away I did not listen. I finished the book and talked about it with my mother she made the comment that she did not want me reading such books. Later on I thought about it and prayed about it and knew that it was wrong for me to deal with such a book it could have given me ideas that would have made me sin and from there I would have felt horrible for making such a move.

Even though I am taught to save the gift, God has given me for marriage. Many young people do not try to protect and preserve such a gem. Again, with movies I watched a series over the years called “the Love Saga” I have to laugh to just keep from crying for regretting watching such a series. There was not any kind of love scenes in it but there was that in every movie someone was falling in love. Again, I could have gotten such an idea myself now there is nothing wrong with falling in Love with someone, but when we bring it too far and sin before marriage we lose that gift we could have given to our future spouse. Another series I have watched actually has a few suggestive scenes in it but I have chosen to stop watching it to protect my soul and gift.

Girls Auditory, Boys Visual.

I think we have all heard that line before to get to a man it takes their eyes to do such a thing Pornography a trap for many men is like Romance novels for girls they cause them to sin and breaks the relationship with God and the ones we love. For girls whenever they hear a man says such things that trigger them to sin. In the same way breaking the relationship with God and loved ones. We need to protect our eyes and ears from temptations. Now I do not know of any men who read romance novels they are probably out there, but women do look at pornography if you ask me from personal experience you need to stop it before it gets to far and addicting.

An Alternative for Catholics

If you are one of the types who want to read romance novels then here is something you can read that I do. Look at the saints who are men and women they fell in love with God some the stories of people dedicating their lives to Christ in and around their jobs and families. It is much better for your soul and it actually gives you a deeper love for Our Lord.

Therefore, the final answer is No I do not read literature like romance novels that are secular but Yes, I read stories of the saint’s great love for Christ. No, I do not watch certain romance movies But Yes the only ones I watch are ones of married couples showing appropriate love and affection in front of the camera without letting you into their bedroom.

 Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying God bless, be Joyful and don't forget to Pray! 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Finsihing up Birthday/Oatmeal Burn?

Finishing up my Birthday

After I published my last blog post. I frantically got ready to go to the church. As I was leaving my mother said, “Oh so this is what you think of your family.” I reassured her that I did not think that about them. She said that she did not want me to spend the night in the bathroom locked up. I promised her I would not do that. I even told I would stay home if she wanted me too. She said she wanted me to do what I want to do. So I headed out the door. I showed up and one of the staff at the church jokingly asked daddy what kind of dinner he brought for her. I responded with a fake puppy dog face. Saying you are going to steal my birthday supper? She said in response No! No! In addition, made the comment “sweet sixteen no better yet sweeter sixteen.” After that sitting on a bench on the church property, reading a book.


Eating dinner and soon after going to the “XLT” I had gone to earlier this year. I hated it felt it was ridicules for singing such loud music. I was forced to go, which made it worse. This time I chose out of free will to go again I did enjoy myself during adoration I prayed and asked the lord to help me accomplish a list of goals called “Mission Will” there was a talk by Fr.Richard about his three favorite saints. Which was a good talk considering I heard he threw it together at the last minute? Soon after he gave me, a birthday blessing said with the most beautiful words very touching indeed.

Soon after, I went and talked to two of my dear friends Laurie and Rosemary both two saints. After finishing there at the church stopped by the grocery store and picked up two birthday treats came home and reflected on such a wonderful birthday knowing that I am truly happy and will try to stay this way as much as possible!

Oatmeal Burn?

This morning we were eating breakfast when Veronica brought a hot bowl of Oatmeal over to the table suddenly the bowl of oatmeal fell out of her hands and dropped the oatmeal fell on veronica’s left foot instantly veronica jumped up and down screaming and crying I started to pray seeing pain in her face causing such pain for me. Mommy going into mother mode took veronica and rushed back to the bathroom. Margery and I picked up the last of the oatmeal. A matter of minutes later mommy mentioned bringing veronica to the ER I debated on going with her and decided I needed to go with her and be there for moral support. We got in the car and went up to the ER daddy asked if veronica had been to this ER around this time last year veronica came down with strep hearing this started to tear up I held her hand and comforted her we made it there and were able to make it in easily. The doctor and nurses were nice and caring they were even able to get veronica to take medication something, which is almost impossible to do. The whole time I was praying for her feeling her pain but try to keep smiling for to know that everything is going to be okay. They bandaged up her foot and made the diagnosis of a second degree superficial burn she will be fine and will probably have a scar on her foot she said in a grimacing voice that she already had a scar on the other foot so said she would have matching scars. We were able to make it back home in about a few minutes by that time Margery and mommy were living for Mass. I will have to go tonight. Now that veronica will be okay, she needs to get well so she can give me a birthday puppet show I am so very much looking forward to! 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Today is Saint Teresa of Avila's Feast Day

As many of you know St. Teresa of Avila is my patron saint. I chose her for many reasons, one of them is because her feast day is on my birthday. I wrote her Biography in my own words here it is..

Teresa De Cepeda Y Ahumada was born on March 28, 1515 in Gotarrendura, Spain. She was extroverted, affectionately buoyant, and skillful in the use of pen, needlework, and household chores. In 1522, when she was seven years old, she read about the martyrdom of the saints and convinced her brother Rodrigo (four years her elder) to come along with her to the country of the Moors. Hoping to beg their way for the love of God that they might be beheaded, they were stopped by their parents. Since the saint felt it was impossible to become a martyr at the time Teresa and Rodrigo set out to build hermitages by piling up small stones on top of each other.  After some time the stones fell down and they soon gave up their intent to become hermits too.

God had given her in the stage of early youth the great devotion of prayer, especially the Rosary to which her mother had a great devotion. She would have great delight in playing with the other children and building of monasteries as if they were nuns. Teresa wished to be a nun though not so much a martyr or hermit. When the saint was a little less than twelve years of age. After the loss of her mother she went in a state of affliction to an image of Our Lady of Charity, and with many tears, implored her to be the saint’s mother. Teresa began to make much of dress to wish to please others by appearance. She took pains with her hands and hair, and used perfumes and all other vanities within reach. In 1531, she was taken by her father (who worried about her vanity) to the Augustinian monastery of Our Lady of Grace. For the first eight days she suffered excessively but more from the suspicion that her vanity was known than from being at the monastery. For the saint was very weary of herself and though she offended God, Teresa never ceased from fearing our great Lord and contrived to go to Confession instantly. She was very uncomfortable but much more accepting of the monastery compared to her father’s house. After a length of time the nuns became pleased with her, for our Lord had given her the talent of pleasing every human figure she approached. At the time, Teresa did not want to become a nun   but she was exuberantly pleased with these good and holy Nuns who she thought very highly of. Like all good saints she was tempted by the devil but this did not stop her, for soon after she returned to the good and saintly deeds of her childhood.  

There was one person with whom Teresa had a conversation who thought she would do well in the estate of holy matrimony. And it is said that she had a yearning for marriage at the time of her life. The saint lived in the monastery for a year and a half. She began to say many vocal prayers and to ask all the Nuns to pray for her so that she would go into a state wherein she was to serve God. At the end of her stay, Teresa had a greater inclination to be a nun, yet not in that house on account of certain devotional practices which the saint thought over-stressing. She also had a great friend, Juana Suarez, in another monastery. And this made her resolve if she was to be a nun, she would in the house where her friend lived.

In 1532 she returned home to regain her health and stayed with her sister. Reading the letters of Saint Jerome led her to the decision to enter a convent but her father refused to give her his consent. She decided to run away along with one of her brothers to receive her habit. On November 2nd she entered the Carmelite monastery of the Incarnation at Avila and her father resigned himself to this development. The following year she received the habit and began wholeheartedly to give herself to prayer and penance. Shortly after her profession she became seriously ill and failed to respond to medical treatment. As a last resort her father took her to Becedas, a small village to seek the help of a woman healer famous throughout Castile. But her health did not improve. Leaving Becedas in the fall of 1538 she stayed in Hortigosa at the home of her uncle Pedro De Cepeda. Instead of regaining her health, Teresa grew even more ill and her father brought her back to Avila in July 1539. On August fifteenth she fell into a coma so profound that she was thought to be dead.  After four days she revived, but her legs were paralyzed for three years.

After her cure, which she attributed to Saint Joseph, she entered a period of mediocrity in her spiritual life but she did not give up praying. During this stage, which lasted eighteen years, she had transitory mystical experiences. She was held back by a strong desire to be appreciated by others, but this finally left her in an experience of conversion in the presence of an image of “The Sorely Wounded Christ.” This conversion dislodged the egoism that hindered her spiritual development. Thus at the age of 39, she began to enjoy a vivid experience of God’s presence within her. When Teresa was 40 years old she began to have visionary experiences.

After several of these she started to think of a new monastery in which the original Carmelite ideal could be followed. She began to discuss her idea with others and at the instruction of her confessor, she began to write about her spiritual life and how it had led her to a goal of reform. In 1562 Teresa founded her first  monastery,  St. Joseph, In Avila. For the next 20 years she traveled throughout Spain, establishing foundations both for nuns and friars. As the monasteries got farther apart. Teresa began to write down the spiritual directions that she would have given orally if all of her Nuns were in one place. She wrote The Way Of Perfection in about 1566 to tell the nuns how to reach their goal. She wrote The Interior Castle by 1580 to tell them about contemplative prayer. She wrote foundations to remember the early history of their order. She also wrote meditations, prayers, hymns for her nuns, the Carmelite friars, and to the clerics and laity who were benefactors. She wrote thousands of letters of which there are over 450 extant. Because she was a visionary during the time of the inquisition, all of these writings were carefully read by others. The result was that, in her lifetime, her wok became well known far beyond the world of her monasteries.

Teresa greeted the end of her years of suffering with overflowing thanks. On the morning of the feast of Saint Francis, immersed in prayer, happy and smiling; she went out of this world into eternal life in the arms of our Lord.

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa God Bless, Be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!

Today I turn 16!

Today is my Birthday, Sweet 16. I will not be having a big party with a decked out dance floor and big gown. Instead, I will have something, which I desire much more a pleasant and practical birthday.

Looking back at the past year

The past year has been an emotional roller coaster. There have been many drops and climbs, twists and turns. A very eventful year, with events as bad as they get and ones to remember for a lifetime. The first six months were about as bad as they get. There was a time that happened very often when I was depressed and would not eat. At my darkest moment, I even made advances toward death. It was not until June 11 2011 the day I was confirmed oh how I waited for this day for five years. In addition, it finally came. To tell the truth I had not been that happy in years. I made my own dress one of my goals and it turned out well. From there things started to lighten up. There were a few touch and go moments, but most of all it was more calm than usual.

This past year has put my faith to the test at times I doubted God’s existence. At other times, I was in such a deep relationship I had never gone through before. Were do I stand now? Well only, the Almighty knows. I have been more consistent in my prayers. They have much more meaning and inspiration than ever. This year I have met many new people but I have made to close life long friends. I have also started the blog something I enjoy and I know quite a few of my reader feel the same excessively.

The Big Lesson

I have learned many lessons in many different forms. However, there has been one lesson that over rules them all. That life is priceless and do not take it for granted. If it were not for such faith in God, I would not be here today. Therefore, I look at life differently in ways that are much more meaningful.

My Birthday Today

So far my birthday has been pleasant I woke up did my daily morning routine consisting of personal hygiene and prayers. From there working on this blog, post for a bit. Opening my first gift. Then Breakfast intelled my favorite muffin Banana Chocolate Chip. Followed with more enjoyment of my first gift. Going to get my second. Eating at Olive Garden. In addition, coming home to finish this blog post. I still have time left in the day. Moreover, so far it has been a pleasant birthday.
The Future

I know the future is still full of difficulties. However, I am looking forward to it in a brighter light through
Better lenses

One last thing I would like to thank my dear friend Laurie for the shirt I am wearing today I LOVE it! Moreover, guess what is said on my shirt?

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying

Friday, October 14, 2011

A little Insiders Joke

I love stories and little inside jokes. My sisters and I have a few I will share one with you. About almost three years ago, it was my sister Margery’s tenth birthday. On our way to the movies Veronica 5 at the time said to Margery “so at the very minute you turn ten you are going to jump up and yell” ‘yea I’m ten!” I heard it, said yea, and embarrass yourself. All three of us laughed. Towards the end of the movie, Margery asked mommy what time it is. It was ten minutes after the minute Margery was born; she leaned over to me and whispered yea I am ten. We both tried to contain ourselves. This past Monday that came to mind and I said something that triggered it in all of us. We laughed and I said I do not plan on Jumping up and down yelling “yea I’m sixteen” at the very minute I’m born, but I have a good feeling Veronica might just do it for me.

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying God bless, be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Homeschooling Blog Post 4# Accustomed to Those Stares

We have been homeschooling for 8 years now and have grown accustomed to those stares. Those stares that say "why aren't you in school"? or those stares that say "oh you're homeschooled" with a gruff voice. Before we started homeschooling, when I was in private school K-2 like any other kid I would be going to school from 8:00-3:00 get out of school and wouldn't be out in public until the afternoon and evening or the weekends it was normal for me, but when we first started homeschooling we had the freedom to go out in public and do things when we want to even though some homeschoolers feel they don't go out during school hours we do. We can go to Walmart at 10:00 in the morning or go to the thrift store at 2:00 in the afternoon it doesn't matter. At first those stares were weird and annoying I'd ask my mother "why do they keep staring at me"? her reply "because it is during school hours and they think your not at school". we were taught really soon that if we were asked "why aren't you in school"? our reply would be "I'm homeschooled". if they argued or asked more questions we would tell them to go to the parent we were with.    

We were at water-burger one day when one lady sitting in the booth next to us started to complain and say why aren't those kids in school? I knew where this was going to go. Margery and I looked at mommy she gave us the cue to just eat our chicken strips and say nothing. She mentioned "what are they home schooled?" they must be well they are doomed especially the oldest Look at the youngest there she might actually be able to have hope I was staring to brew inside and she carried on the man with her started to ask her to lay off  and mind your own business people started to stare by this point we were not doing anything wrong why should she worry? we finished up and went to the truck I asked mommy why she said nothing and she replied "it would have done no good she would have gotten worse, plus sitting there and behaving yourself will change her mind"
I learned that day that being silent and minding your own business can make a bigger impact than you think on people.

 We still get those stares. Not too long ago we went to the pharmacy to pick a med up and the lady checking us out kept staring at us. We are much older now since we sat in water-burger that one day. At times those stares come more often we always fear having CPS showing up at our doorstep but luckily we have HSLDA  (Home-School Legal Defense Association) with a lawyer a phone call away.

So as I said We are accustomed to those stares and for us we are more prepared for such Water-Burger outbreaks.

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying God Bless,Be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!


Monday, October 10, 2011

Sitting in the Chapel

I love sitting in the chapel at any church that has my Lord in the Eucharist. I feel a presence there that calms me and oh, how I love hearing those messages from God, St. Teresa and Joy along with other heavenly voices. I feel indeed the presence of  our Lord with his angels all around me. All those feelings that weigh me down leave me when I am with my Lord!

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying God Bless, Be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!

My Guardian Angel's Name

For those of you who read a previous blog post about Guardian angels and how I pray to mine more often. I mentioned that I would name mine and her name is.... JOY! that's right I just love that name I write to her in my Journal at times which is more often. She must be protecting me like yesterday after being in a state of not feeling safe and glued to my mothers arm. Joy helped me walk into the parish center it did bring a toll on me, but I seemed more calm. Not only did I face my fear of going into the parish center I actually found out what my guardian angels name is. So there you have it!

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying God bless, be Joyful and don't forget to Pray! 

Friday, October 7, 2011


OK, my story begins back in February 2011. I was speaking to a woman who in my opinion had the mindset of a new age woman. She informed me that I was not Socialized enough but that day she was talking about social networks (i.e. Face book Twitter and My Space) she harped on me about it for an hour. It seemed like that alright, maybe thirty minutes it was long to say the least. She asked me if I did face book (that one was her favorite) no, I said. Do your parents have one? Yes, I said Daddy only checks his every two months and Mommy only for birthdays. Why do you not have one? Oh, that is right your parents are sheltering you to much. I bit my lip and gripped the chair hard.

You can talk to all your friends you would like that. I replied I do not have any I felt that at the time I only had my Family and two or three people I considered mentors, but now that is not true. I mentioned security protocol. At the age of twelve, I got involved with someone, who said they were fifteen it started to get fishy once they identified my picture from the newspaper and they were out of state so it was obvious they looked me up. My mother informed me that I was not to get involved with any kind of chatting groups for as long as I was under her roof.
She said in return well the security is very strict no one could ever slip by and harm you. I was still gripping the chair. For the remainder of our talk she kept raving about it and said that I should get a face book account.

I ignored her request but a month later when she was part of my past. I thought I would just get one it should not be so bad. The first day I added five friends my parents and three cousins I will admit that I was able to look at photos of my cousins I hadn’t seen in years and kept up to date with them. I found half of my cousins and most of my neighbors. The most friends I ever got was 50-55 but there was so many to the point that I could barely keep up to date with them. I didn’t write much on my page to begin with I felt I was someone who was boring. The only time people would flock to my page is whenever I had a prayer intention, which was good, but that only happened twice. Another thing was most of my friends were adults. I have no problem with that, but I found their pages more engaging. The people who were teenagers like me all they wrote about was things that were lame in my opinion they posted pictures that were red flags to me like taking pictures with manikins or of their belly. In addition, the grammar and spelling were so poor my little 8-year-old sister could put them to shame. I was glued to the computer more than usual and all I talked about was other people who said this and that on their page. It was an addiction for me. I could tell my mother did not like it she did not say anything though. I only had a face book account from late may to early to mid august and during that time I was not feeling good I was going through some major changes in my life for the better. Most of all my spiritual life was suffering greatly I didn’t pray very much and I made the decision to stop cold turkey for the better mostly for my prayer life which I felt needed to be a top priority for me.

So in mid august I chose to delete my face book account immediately I felt like I had climbed out of a dark hole, which had me swallowed up. I have learned to listen to no advice that Louise gave me. My neighbor that afternoon had asked me why I was not on face book I just said well isn’t that funny with a laugh and never mentioned it again she brought it up one more time I didn’t say anything she has not brought it up since then. I am not the average teenager it shows on the outside for sure.

Whenever I met someone in the past especially teens they would ask first thing do you have a face book, twitter or my space. I used to say no and when I did have one yes, but now whenever someone will ask me that I will say in reply. No I have joined a different network it would make yours look like nothing and if they ask, what is it? I will just say it’s called “The Pray Way” by then they will probably be laughing in reply I will say I’ve got millions of friends called the saints and it’s ran by this COOL guy named God and you know what my prayer life won’t suffer with this network it actually thrives. I can almost guarantee I will be the one laughing not them.

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying, God bless, be joyful, and don’t forget to Pray!