Saturday, December 31, 2011

Farewell Letter

Dear Readers

Today marks the one-year anniversary of me Blogging, Also the last day of my Blogging Journey. I have dubbed 2011 as The Year of Blogging.

 I have gone through three different blogs. The Pyle Sisters was Blog 1# and the one I collaborated with my sisters in. After butting heads with each other, we gave up working on it. I then started Blog 2# Spiritual Daughter I was not really committed to it and ended up stopping. After Confirmation, I started Blog 3# and the one I have favored and been committed to…almost since day one.

It has been the most Popular blog I have done. I have written on many different topics and events. In addition, tried to cater to my readers who requested things. I have made online friends who have things in common with me.

I have learned to love the God Given talent of Writing. I have learned various things, not only about myself, but about my readers too.

I have never touched on the subject of how I handle negative comments both public and private. To be exact I have learned from the comments especially the very Cultural ones. However, with all of them I have prayed about and asked that God give me the wisdom to handle them properly.

That I might understand what they are saying to me from their point of view and contemplate on what is right and how I should take care of it. There was one time when my com box became a forum. One I had to carefully watch and try to handle.
I was asked later if I would ditch the friendships of those people. My response A friendship should be sturdy enough that little arguments or major ones should not shake the bond but strongly cement them to be long lasting forever.

Therefore, my final answer “no, it actually strengthened the relationships with those people our beliefs were tested and we are closer now. Therefore, I can safely say that once the forum was closed, and the fruit was passed around the table it turned out to be a sweet ending. *wink* 

I have already been asked why I have chosen to discontinue blogging. I have already received various comments from people telling me how much my writing has influenced their life.

Here is just some of the words to describe my writing:

Inspiring, Entertaining, Interesting, Well Written, Noble, Touching, Funny. There is more but I will not list all of them.

Therefore, as I finish this I look forward to how God wants me to write about. So far, my Book and numerous other theses I will be writing on are in my plans.  

Therefore, there is only two more things to say…

Farewell Blogging

I have enjoyed writing this and will miss it so too…

For the Last time this is Mylea Janis Teresa Saying God Bless, Be Joyful and don’t forget to Pray!   


  1. well- I just found you! :) I'm sure you have lots to do besides blog

    By the way- we love St Theresa around her, too- my oldest niece is named Avila!

    1. Yes, I chose to stop blogging because I am in the process of writing a book, which the locals in my town want to read. But it was sad I had to stop Blogging I enjoyed it.

      Oh yes feel free to read my other blog posts I would love to answer your questions and comments.

      One last thing I look forward to reading yours!
