Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dedicating the Hour to the Lord

I value the saints greatly. Now it does show that I favor St.Teresa of Avila, we get along well. I look up to the other saints like St.John Vianny he had a practice, which I have adapted to my life. It is that of "Dedicating the Hour to the Lord" through the intercession of Mary. I try to do the same, I have gotten into the habit of looking at the clock at the strike of the hour, signaling me to drop everything and pray.

During those few seconds of silence I examine the past hour and ask myself how can I make the next even better. I do fall during the hour at times I pick myself up and know that I have a greater incentive to watch my actions,words and thoughts next time. I ask the Lord to move me by doing his will, then I ask for the strength to not sin and not fall into temptations. From there I pray for the intentions of the holy father and all the prayer intentions in my prayer box.

Why do I do it? because I yearn to have a deeper union with our Lord. I know how it feels to wake up and have so much to do. 24 hours is a long time and can be hard to wrap our minds around. A hour is a much smaller amount of time something I can bite into much better than 24. It humbles me, lets me know that every hour of every day should be centered around God, He's it after all. Even though it just takes a minute to do, He is worth it. To tell the truth I can't wait for the strike of every hour it is my moment to come closer to him.

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying God bless, be Joyful and don't forget to Pray!

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