Saturday, November 12, 2011

Dressing Modestly Blog Post 2: Shopping for Clothing/Sewing My Clothing

Shopping For Clothing

This might be shocking, but I HATE shopping for Clothes. Yep, it is true

Five Reasons why I HATE Shopping

  1. It is very time consuming.
  2. You have to go to several stores.
  3. When I try them on, I cringe and think who wore this last (even with store bought clothing).
  4. They are always pricey except for sales, which usually has a catch.
  5. Most of the time they do not even carry what are up to my standards.

Now there are times… (Gulp) when I have to… like Shirts…. Nevertheless, I Live.

Sewing My Clothing

I have been waiting to do a blog post on sewing. Why, because I LOVE to sew!

For about a 1 1/2 I have been sewing. I have made various pieces of clothing.

My first article of clothing was a pair of shorts I have only wore them a few times.

My next one was a shirt.

Followed by six skirts, three with zippers, and three with elastic.

I have also made my Confirmation dress, which is the nicest piece of clothing I own.

I am in the process of making another shirt.

I try to sew as much of my clothing as I can.

In the Future, I will be making
My own PATTERNS… soon enough.

That way I can design clothing to my liking and standards.

My next blog post will be titled “Twelve Rules on how I Dress Modestly”

Until next time this is Mylea Janis Teresa saying, God bless, be Joyful, and don’t forget to Pray!

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